Invisible hearing aids are custom made to fit your ears and your lifestyle. These hearing aids fit deep inside the canal for a invisible fit while still allowing you to hear both up close and at a distance.

6257 Bathurst St. 2nd Floor
North York, ON
M2R 2A5
(416) 223- 4700


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CONTACT|  NORTH YORK (416) 223-4700 |  WOODBRIDGE (905) 850-1700

​​The technology stretches beyond just hearing. Imagine having a reminder set in your hearing aid for your medication or a notification that tells you someone is at the door.  The possibilities are endless and effortless. We want to make watching TV and  talking on the phone simple,  our technology and experience allows that.

8077 Islington Ave N. #304
Woodbridge, ON
L4L 7X7 
(905) 850-1700

Smart hearing aids are here ! These new premium technology hearing aids connect wirelessly to your smartphone. With one swipe you can change your  listening environment,  sound settings and features all from the palm of your hand. 

© 2016 Family Hearing Centre

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SmartPhone Hearing

​At Family Hearing Center we don't believe in "One Size Fits All". We pride ourselves in the "Custom Hearing Aid Experience". We fit hearing aids that are small, discreet, comfortable and with superior sound quality for exceptional speech understanding, even in noisy environments. All of our hearing aids are custom made to fit your lifestyle. 

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